One of the most renown poses has been introduced by Usain Bolt who showcases his “lightning pose” every time he wins a sprint. It is not surprising that this pose has been registered by Usain Bolt and currently represents a key element of his sportswear brand.

Admittedly inspired by Usain Bolt, Mo Farah has come up with his own pose that has helped him distinguish from the crowd even better. His “Mobot” pose has been seen at the finish line quite a few times over the last decade, driving the sales of Mo Farah’s brand.

The use of trademarked poses and gestures to support brand performance is however not limited to runner only. Gareth Bale registered his “eleven of hearts” gesture in 2013, paving the way for the commercial success of his brand.

A similar example can be made of Jesse Lingard, English midfielder, that has successfully registered a trademark for his JLingz gesture.

These poses and gestures have provided the basis for the launch of related brands and there is a strong congruency between the athletes’ use of these poses and gestures and brand performance. Fame and success brings them under the spotlight of cameras and reporters which effectively allows these athletes and other celebrities to disseminate information about their brands in a subtle way through the use of specific poses and gestures. Registration of a trademark is however a fundamental precondition for this strategy as it ensures the uniqueness of their brand, preventing any copycat attempts.